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Though a proud native of the Detroit area, I am now happy to call Colorado Springs home with my beautiful and talented wife Jennifer and our four children. My dental training began at the University of Detroit Mercy after which I completed a hospital-based residency program at the University of Toledo Medical Center. I enjoy blending the best of traditional "old-fashioned" dentistry together with exciting new discoveries. Along those lines, I always keep my ear to the ground for new and emerging advancements in dentistry to provide our patients with the most reliable and respected and up to date treatment philosophies and dental care. There is honestly nothing more that I enjoy professionally than providing top quality dental care to the wonderful people of our practice; I like that warm and fuzzy feeling inside.


I feel blessed on a daily basis to care for the patients of our dental practice, whether they have been with us for decades or are meeting our team today for the very first time. It is a privilege and an honor to work with you and provide you with care of which I am very proud.

Many of you know that my life revolves around my family and faith first. After that comes dentistry - I love what I do! My hobbies take the rest of my time. I enjoy sports, travel, photography, drawing and graphic design, and diving into quality books, film, and music. If you have a favorite, tell me, I'd love to know it.



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Scott Brinton DDS - America's Top 50 Dentists - Colorado Springs, Colorado

    © 2023 by America's Top 50 Dentists. 

    Pollux Digital Solutions, Inc.

    Selections for any honors, awards or memberships in organizations is subjective in nature, 

    “Any references to ‘Top,’ ‘excellence,’ or ‘distinguished’ are meant to refer to [name of organization] and not to any named member individually.. No recommendations or guarantees are made as to the quality of service you might expect.

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